VeganSmart’s Bee Free Honey Recipe

VeganSmart’s Bee Free Honey Recipe

VeganSmart’s Bee Free Honey highlights perfectly how staying Vegan can be challenging, but you don’t always have to give up some of your past favorite foods. Luckily, there are many alternatives to foods that are non-vegan. Being vegan is not only about avoiding certain foods, sometimes it’s about avoiding certain sauces or toppings. When at a restaurant, it’s important to always ask what’s added to meals that may seen vegan.

Since honey is harvested from bees, it is not vegan. Honey may be in some sauces and recipes that could otherwise be vegan. Yes, it is hard to deny that honey tastes delicious, is versatile and something we all miss from time to time. Thankfully, there are plenty of tasty alternatives to bee honey!

If Agave nectar and Date Paste just don’t cut it for you, try making our own Bee-Free Honey Substitute. It’s great to use as a natural sweetener for tea, coffee, smoothies and as a topping for weekend breakfasts like pancakes and waffles! All you really need is apples, water and lemons and you can almost taste the honey.

Related Article: Guilt-Free: Gluten-Free and Vegan Pancakes

Vegan Honey, Makes 1 cup


8 medium sized apples (Shortcut: use 100% pure pressed apple juice – 2 cups)

1 cup water (if not using shortcut method)

1 cup sugar

1 tsp lemon juice


To make the apple juice (if not using shortcut):

Cut apples into small chunks and take seeds out. The natural, fibrous qualities of the peel help thicken the syrup so we recommend leaving your apples unpeeled.

Put the chunks into a blender with 1 cup of water until the texture is like a puree. This chunky texture helps separate the juice from the pulp so don’t worry if it isn’t very fine.

Separate the pulp from the juice using a strainer and you should have about 2 cups worth of juice.

Turning juice into syrup:

Combine the apple juice, lemon and sugar in a pot and bring to a rolling boil on high heat. Once boiling, immediately turn down to a medium heat and let simmer. The juice should reduce to about half its quantity and become thick. You may stop the process at your preferred thickness of syrup. This part of the process should take about 20 minutes. Keep a close eye on the pot so the syrup doesn’t boil over and create a hot, sticky mess.

When done, pour into a heat-safe container and let cool.

Being vegan becomes easier and easier as you learn all the alternatives and find new recipes for traditional favorites. This bee-free honey allows you to enjoy the taste of honey without an animal products!

Read More: No-Bake Vegan Pumpkin Chai Tarts Recipe