Losing weight means starting your day off right. When you're presented with sugary morning snacks and the always tempting snooze button, shedding those pounds can pose as quite the challenge. But you don't have to be a morning person to start the day off right and get yourself one step closer to getting trim. With the right approach, you can make your mornings the best part of your day.
Start with exercise
Once that alarm goes off in the morning, your immediate reaction is likely to hit the snooze button. However, getting out of bed and exercising straight away in the AM may give you more benefits than you realize. Working out gives your metabolism a kick and keeps it elevated for hours. By exercising in the morning, you'll be burning more calories all day long. Aside from an elevated metabolism, you may start to notice that you have more energy in the morning after breaking a sweat. It sure beats splashing water on your face.
But here's the question everyone asks themselves: "How am I supposed to find the motivation to get out of bed in the morning to exercise?" Women's Health magazine suggested resisting that urge to go back to sleep by sitting up and touching your toes. This simple action of bending your head down helps to bring blood to your brain and wake you up.
Have a healthy breakfast
When you have a busy schedule, breakfast often takes a backseat to almost everything. We've heard that it's the most important meal of the day, but often we don't think about what that really means. Just like exercise, breakfast helps to boost your metabolism. It also helps you make better choices regarding your diet throughout the day. By filling up on a good breakfast, you'll be less tempted to overindulge later on. However, you must eat the right breakfast in order to stay full and keep your energy up. Start your morning off with some fiber and protein. This could be a scrambled egg on whole grain toast or Greek yogurt topped off with honey and fruit for added antioxidants. With a healthy breakfast, you'll end the sugar spikes and inevitable moments of sugary weakness later on in the day.
Another great option for breakfast would be a protein shake. Naturade Total Soy can help you lose weight and feel great throughout the day. This tasty meal replacement shake, available in both chocolate and vanilla, is perfect for those with an especially busy morning routine. Whip one of these up in the a.m. for a quick, convenient and nutritious meal to start your day off right with plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Sip on some green tea
If you normally have sugary juices in the morning or nothing at all, incorporate a cup of green tea into your morning routine. According to Fitbie, those who regularly drink green tea tend to have smaller waists and lower body fat. The antioxidants and caffeine in green tea may have an effect on how fast fat is broken down.